To a large extent, true Catholic education has always been classical, in the sense that the Liberal Arts Tradition was born in the monasteries of the Catholic Church, and later refined by the first universites the Church established. Despite this apparent redundancy, it is certainly true that, starting in the latter half of the 20th century, a lot of Catholic schools jettisoned this wonderful tradition and began adopting many of the educational fads of secular schools. Hence, there has been a perceived need among many leaders to "get back to the basics" and recover this lost legacy of Catholic liberal education. As a result, the term Classical Catholic Education has become a fixture on the cutting-edge of educational reform. Along with the New Evangelization, that has the laity assuming a greater role in spreading the Gospel, the classical school movement has become a critical part of the overall effort to revitalize the Catholic Church in the 21st Century, and we are proud to be part of this exciting trend.
There are a lot of different facets to Classical Education, but below are some classical "buzzwords" that are helpful to anybody looking to learn more about this new (but actually really old) approach to education.